Listen when your body whispers,
and you won’t have to hear it scream.
We specialize in reducing pain from
repetitive strain, posture, and structural dysfunctions.
Pain is used to alert us to where our body needs attention or care. In our busy lives, we often ignore these little whispers, until one day, they become so loud they can not be overlooked. The old softball injury creeps up and becomes such a pain you can no longer comfortably sleep through the night.
Your Body Shoppe offers a variety of massage techniques, including; Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Neuromuscular Massage, Myo-facial Release, active and passive stretching, (including Thai, Fascial, and PNF). we will offer tips for self-care and body mechanics to help speed up your recovery, eliminate chronic pain and allow your body to feel its best.
Add on a one-on-one yoga session to your massage and we will guide you through a custom yoga sequence to help unwind the postural patterns your body has created .
We listen to you and help you learn to listen to your body.
Alison Stickrod is a skilled and knowledgeable massage therapist and yoga guide who uses a variety of modalities to support your body in healing soft tissue restriction and pain, while allowing your parasympathetic nervous system to turn on and get to work with a little rest and restoration.

Our bodies hold on to experience and remember our movement patterns. Through breath-work, yoga, and bodywork we guide you to a happier, healthier body.
Life takes a toll on our bodies. Take time to connect to yourself and listen to your body. Together, we will create more freedom from pain & stress, allowing you to keep doing the things you love to do.
Where you can find helpful tips and tricks to help you feel better in your body.
Follow our journey on Instagram
IonCleanse® by A Major Difference
The IonCleanse® by AMD helps the body detox through the healing power of ions. Ions, because of their powerful charge, cleanse the body more effectively than any other method of detox. The process is safe, relaxing, and non-invasive, with no harmful side effects.
DETOX BENEFITS: Increase energy, improve sleep, boost immune system, lower stress, overall wellness
View the ion cleanse research results here.
We take your health seriously, because of this we want to inform you of the measures we take to reduce the risk of exposure to viruses and bacteria. Take a moment to read Your Body Shoppe’s disinfecting and sanitation procedure, in accordance with CDPHE.